Monday, February 1, 2016

Run for your soul

A funny thing, this running. As if all the pieces of anatomy, psyche and soul can sink into this simple action. Many abhor running - scoff at the idea! A pain staking past time for those obsessed with pain they think. How far lost, strayed from course and simply missing the truth.

We are vehicles meant to traffic ourselves across the terrain of this Terra. Don't kid yourself, we are designed to travel. Shaking off the dust of preconceived concepts jump on the road with a pounding in your heart as the days you yearn for love beyond the next bend. Be a vessel of your soul and find the inner strength!

You are pretty much a perfect example of trials and to underestimate your physiology is a sad fallacy to live by. Keep the ship moving forward. Sail strong my friend and the sunsets will be on days of completion with sunrises greeting your next day of effort. Try. All that you do in life, and running is an ultimate example of life, requires trying. Strive for progress because therein is perfection.

A moment of truth can be found within the run. What is your truth? What is your love? Be one with your body, hold it dearly, for running can be the why. It is easy to try, simply be yourself. The original you that loved a challenge, the part of you that learned to speak, walk and eventually cast off those that showed you the way. Run. Run for your soul.


How do you become
Something Greater than yourself?
Simply start right now!

Monday, January 4, 2016


Can sport change your life?
Don't think this is true for you?
Become a runner

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Greatness from the start
Is not usually the case
You start to be great


Do you race to win?
Test the limits of your heart
That is victory