Not the tallest, not the largest, yet…”I dare to be all that a man can be, those who dare more are less”-Shakespeare if I recall correctly…
I'm a F#@king honey badger! My true thanks to the men who made me, create me, and allow me to be who I am; Brendan Richard mother f’ing Dagan and if you don’t know already, start….
Brendan, Peter, Skipper, Avi, M. Doug, Justin, Aaron, Rick, Andy, D&D Masons, Marc K., Meoli, Rob, Jimmy, Jonny A., Billy Cain, Dougy C., Jonah, Jared C., KMO, James Kenneth Cameron, Dan H, Churchill, Brandon-Brendan connection., Lenny, Coach Reilly & Gagnon, Mel, Mr. Costello, Kevin M. Kilroy, Colin Ford, Ryan Ferry, Canada, Paul M., Larry Campbell, Jordan, Matt Smith, Robby, Nathan Ainsworth, Mike Lansing, Evan P., Marco Bertolotti, Joey K., Tommy Doyle, Ben Blasi, Robby, Dan Lee, Michael Wayne, Action Jackson and all others that have been there and I definitely have "misplaced", but only in this moment and never in the character of this man!
Running away is never about failure, it’s always about realization or lack thereof….
I wish nothing but the best for those of the past and may the future hold luck for those who grace me next. Being a man, mantling the burden that you choose to hold, is about standing on the precipice of your experience! No one can look at you in the mirror except yourself. You will always be the men you have feared, loved, respected and hated. Only you can look yourself in the eyes and always, in an almost desperate way at times, be true to whom you are and who you can always become!