Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lunch Break Work-Out


I didn’t want to take more than the thirty minute lunch break so I practiced a warm up done if one shows up late to a race. It is completely conceivable that, due to traffic, to bad directions, to anything that can go wrong during travel, you show up late to a race. At this point, using the time that you have allowed, you get ready to run. And so was the case today. I did a thirteen minute warm up followed by some easy dynamic stretching, maybe a total of thirty seconds, and then two light progressive strides. This all ended with a cumulative time of sixteen minutes. Here I gave myself two minutes rest and then at eighteen minutes I started my nine minute hard bout.

The key to this lunch break planning was I warmed up in one direction and now am returning back to work at a faster speed but for a shorter amount of time. What ends up happening as I hammer out nine minutes, is I return to where I started after going into a light, handful of minutes, jog. Then it’s back in the office where I spend the rest of the day awkwardly stretching while answering emails and filing, leaving coworkers to glance in the weirdest ways at my movements around my desk and chair. Well, what can I do? A lunch break work-out is better then one at night in the pitch black and cold.

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