Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Being & Time & Brendan

I don’t pretend to be some master of philosophy, but I will say I have a deep respect for it. A practical and straight forward look at life can be gleaned from these great texts and thinkers, succinctly, a way to be happier and more content. Martin Heidegger, a brilliant fascist, is considered one of, if not outright, the greatest philosophers of the 20th century and is renowned for his masterpiece “Being and Time”. Not that I have read it,although i hope to someday but it is not entirely difficult to discuss its concept because like many masterpieces it has been hashed over so many times and changed teh way so many think that it has become a topic unto itself. However, since i have not read it i would like to admit my understanding is second hand at best but as i undersatnd it deals with the concept of its title in a brave and unique way.

We are all being-towards something. The man sitting at a desk working on a 1000piece puzzle is yes the man working in the moment but he is being-towards the man done the puzzle admiring the finished picture. Typing this, in this moment, flipping fleetingly gone, do I exist more than now re-reading these words? Am I here figuring out the next sentence or displaying the finished words on my Blogspot, sipping wine with my wife fresh home from work in 20min? Heat pad pressed and wrapped around calf with knot in it, is actually being-towards calf roaring ripped man over finish line at Cony High School on July 17th.

Most people don’t really dwell on the being-towards way of thinking because it leads eventually to that being-towards which is so conclusive; death. No matter what we are being-towards, on some level we are always being-towards death. This scares people, but in some ways I find it liberating, a key to that “happier fuller life”. Death can happen, at any moment, but accepting that and then fully throwing yourself at being-towards what you want is the release. How much are you being-towards the things you truly want?

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