Friday, July 1, 2011

Buzz Lightyear

Pondering the moment, the instant, the snapshot that flitters by freeing the next moment from possibility to reality I find that it is massively large and long. Yes, it disappears in a flash, but when you look at that flash there is impossibly so much going on. Scents passing through nose, bird crap making it part way to the ground, eyelashes fluttering and infinite other things share that 1/16 of a second. While that moment if infinite, great and incalculable it is also transient and this is a paradox. Cantor, the infinity man, pondered this self contradiction to madness. In a brief way, I see a larger and smaller infinity like this.

The moment holds it all, more than could ever possibly be taken into account. The next moment also holds that, and the next and the next and so on… for infinity. And that is my loose grasp at how their can be smaller and larger infinities. If you are to look at a long period of time it is filled with moments filled with infinite actions and details. That longer period of time is both in one sense infinite and filled with many moments that are too infinite. However it also can be talked about as finite in any instance of time like a race.

When I finish a race knowing that it was moments that made it up I also know it was earlier moments that made up the later ones. Building or breaking based on how you felt, there always seems, even if at times elusively, that there is an eternal aspect to the race. That while it takes a definite time, and we all know the time because it is a race, there is this feeling of ever lasting infinity in that moment rounding the track.

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