Monday, July 18, 2011

Me Myself I Mine Ours We

Penetrating skin, the sun's rays a quick reminder of shade lost. Tethered dogs gaze longingly for freedom from car and tree, lucky pups with water bowl, shade and lush, serene, dark olive grass sighing for more company. Track emanating heat compounded with the down pour of sun rays to form an all area dry sauna contrasting the canine oasis only a few hundred meters away. Coffee and nerves course around a roller coaster of sweat and egg mcmuffins and for a second happiness flitters by, a moth swiftly swept up by the owl of reason. No injury would mean no coffee or egg mcmuffins on a race day. Jen coolly defies the heat with a nonchalant warm up; poker face on the outside but her own amusement park on the inside. The contradiction easily recognized and understood. To show weakness is undermining. Striking a strong confident smile in her direction as she rounds the track, looking for support; now more than ever, with less than desirable racing conditions and no competition, forgetting everything else and supporting Jen is the thing to do.

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